The One Simple Trick to Make Every Blog Post Better

I’m about to drop a little truth on you.

Ready for it?

Your blog posts can be better.

It’s true.

Mine can be, too.

The one simple trick to make every blog post better: Seriously, you'll improve SO MUCH with this tip!

See, the thing is, we rush our posts. All of us do. I spend a huge portion of my week reading and writing blog posts. I pour over content produced in nearly every genre on the web. Nary a day goes by when I don’t note dozens of typos, even more misspellings, and countless grammar mistakes. (Seriously, bloggers: Please learn the difference between too and to.)

No, it’s not everyone. No, it’s not all posts.

But it’s a lot of them. And I think most of the mistakes are unintentional. I think we’re all pressed for time. We have to write our posts, then we have to create all the social assets to market those posts. Then we have to reply to comments and read other blogs and leave thoughtful comments on those blogs and like and heart and share… and there’s just no time.

So, I’m here to share with you the only tip you’ll ever need to improve every single blog post and social share you ever write.


The one simple trick to make every blog post better is simply this: Read your work aloud.

I’m not kidding. Your writing will be revolutionized by taking an extra couple of minutes to read your copy out loud. Not only will you catch those little mistakes, but you’ll also catch errors of voice–those awkward sentences that just aren’t quite true to you or to your brand.

With your next post or social share, take a couple minutes to read it out loud before you click the publish button. See how many typos you can catch. See how many sentences jump out at you as sounding less-than-genuine. Then go back and fix ’em!

Try it, and let me know how it goes!